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Ashoka holds a special energy and we felt called to hold monthly retreats to bring people together in commUnity with nature, with each other and with themselves.  


Between us exists this beautiful synergy of the masculine and feminine, and as we teach together the invitation to weave these aspects of ourselves into harmony is palpable.  


Our retreats are fertile ground for us to share our experiences and weave together our lived learning in service of the whole.


As we come together in song, through conscious movement , and meditation we heal from the inside out, in commUnion with nature, with each other, and with our soul.




Jacqueline and Chris invite you to experience a day of deep self-care, reflection and connection.
Join us at our studio in the forest, and be nourished with healthy food, kundalini yoga practice, breath-work, ceremony and an opportunity for both self and group reflection. 

1693 Malkin Creek Rd 

Bowen Island, BC

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(604) 725-7677

2215 West 14th Ave., Vancouver, BC
V6K 2S3

Get in touch

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