Something powerful is happening beneath the surface
In the cold of winter there is a stirring
It looks like nothing from the outside because it is hidden from view
It is meant to be
Something precious is remembered in this place
Stripped of our outer adornments like the trees outside we are drawn inward
Called by the sacred to tap into our essence and remember
Take a moment to quiet the noise in your mind
Drop into your body
Feel the gripping, the grasping, the contraction
Let Go
Go Deeper Still
Surrender everything you think you are
Feel the grief
Feel the fear
Your ego wants to hold on
Let Go Anyways.
The Sacred is Calling
Trust the Call
In early September, life threw me a huge curve ball and sent me on the most miraculous journey.
In an instant, I was asked to let go of my plans, my home, my people, and my passion for teaching, to show up for my kid.
What I didn’t realize at the time, is that the universe was gifting me an opportunity to let go of all that I thought defined me.
It all sounds beautiful in hindsight, but it was brutal. I felt like I was being stripped naked and all my old patterns were on display for me alone to witness.
I was being called to meet my ego face to face in the arena, and not turn away.
Easier said than done.
In the arena, I was met with my insecurities, my fears, and my need to be somebody.
My attachment to my roles as a teacher, a therapist, a parent, a partner, a daughter, a sister, and a friend were exposed completely.
I saw, and felt all that I was hiding behind, and from, and was brought to my knees in surrender.
As I slowly unwind all that I thought I was, I am beginning to remember the magic that I am, that we all are.
My wish for you, is that you respond to the call when it comes. That you allow yourself to be with the discomfort and turn toward it.
Our discomfort is our teacher and the whisper calling us home.
Remember the universe is working with you, for you and through you.
With Love Always,
